Look Mommy!!

The animals are taking piggy back rides!!


So Far This Summer

We've only managed to get hit with illness and have spent most of our time indoors. It started with J coming down with a throat infection his first day home (maybe he's allergic to vacation). So he was down for a week or so, and just when he started to get better, Seek and Destroy came down with the same thing. Ugh! Such bad coughs and their fever just wouldn't break. With all my three babies on antibiotics, I was going crazy. Thankfully they started getting better and then it was my turn. Even Fathers Day came and went with barely a celebration. Horrible, Horrible stuff!! We're all better now and the nasty coughs are gone, so we're slowly venturing out a little.

We headed to the beach late Sunday afternoon and spent a good two hours there, then off we went to grandma's to drop off the kids for the night. J and I enjoyed our sleep in Monday.

Today, the kids and I were alone for the most part and had a blast just playing. I ignored all the housework and we had such a blast!!

Well, J is nearly done mixing some margaritas so I'm off to enjoy a relaxing evening with him!!

We have a ton of plans for the remainder of the summer, so more updates as we go along.

Perfect Pizza Recipe

Pre-made pizza dough
Tomato sauce
Toppings of their choice
Put daddy in-charge

Pre-heat over and hunt two inquisitive kids out of the way
Let daddy take the lead and allow kids to pile it all on

Watch their creativity flow
Laugh a lot
Bake for 15 minutes or as desired

Serve hot with chilled drink of your choice. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The author of this recipe refuses to take responsibility for the holy mess which may result during and after the preparation of this pizza. Counter tops may never regain their shine, kitchen sink may forever be clogged, oven mitts may retain scorch or burn marks and/or holes. Mommy's blood pressure levels may rise beyond control and tongue may be bitten till you taste blood to prevent "Not like THAT" orders.